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Unsere Magic Blackout Blinds folgen dem Erfolg des Magic Whitebaordes. Es ermöglicht ihnen Fenster Abzudunkel - überall und sekundenschnell. Magic Blackout Blind ist eine vorrübergehende Fensterabdeckung, mit der man schnell das gesammte Fenster abdecken und damit den Raum abdunkeln kann. Es ist ein komplett neuer Ansatz für Abdunkler. Man benötigt keine Werkzeuge. Ein Magic Blackout Blind kann Schlafzimmer, Büros, Kindergartenzimmer, Fenster in einem Laden, Boote, Wohnwagen, Klassenzimmer, TV Studios, neue Häuser, Naubauten, Ferienwohnungen, Wohungen und Studentenwohungen abdunkeln.
Klicken Sie hier um ein 1 minütiges Video über die Magic Blackout Blinds zu sehen.
Magic Blackout Blind is a temporary blackout blind window covering that can be reused on a daily basis (the exact number of times depends on how often you take it up and down), just peel off and reuse. Typically the sheets will last for 6-8 weeks and will naturally crease over time due to exposure to heat and the sun.
If you intend to use at night and remove from the window in the day we recommend that you place the sheet on a wall or waredrobe door. This will help keep the static on the sheets. If the sheets lose the static you can recharge them by placing near a TV or rub the sheets with a fibre cloth - this generates static , the static will transfer onto the sheets. Magic Blackout Blind easier to fit and will save you time.
Unsere Kunden schließen ein – Eltern mit Babies, die Probleme haben zu schlafen, Kindergärten, Wohnwagen, Leute die in ein neues Haus ziehen, Eltern mit Kleinkindern im Urlaub, Lehrer die einen dunklen Raum brauchen und Projektoren oder interaktive Whiteboards benutzen, Fotographen, und Kameramänner, die Blendendes Licht blocken wollen, AV Unternehmen, Filmemacher und Bauarbeiter. Magic Blackout Blinds sind außerdem beliebt bei Kunden, die eine Wohnung gemietet haben, denen jedoch nicht erlaubt ist Vorhänge oder Rollläden aufzuhängen.
Magic Blackout Blinds können sicher auf normal Einfach- oder Zweifachglas angebracht werden.
Verwenden Sie Magic Blackour Blinds NICHT auf laminiertem Glas, mit Draht verstärktem Glas, strukturiertes oder gemustertes Glas, Dreifachglas, Velux-Fenster oder ähnliche Dachfenster. Diese Fenster sind speziell konstruiert und haben ihre eigenen Abdeckungen (Bitte lesen Sie sich die Sicherheitsinformationen auf der Hauptseite durch). Magic Blackout Blinds sind vorübergehende Abdunkler, die jeden Tag abgenommen werden sollten. Velux Fenster und Dachfesnter sind meistens in einem 45 Grad Winkel positioniert, sodass die Blinds eventuell, der Gravitations geschuldet, herunterfallen.
Weil die Magic Blackout Blind Elektrostatisch aufgeladen sind haften sie ganz einfach von selber an Glas ohne das dafür zusätzlich Kleber benötigt wird. Somit hinterlässt es auch keine Spuren! Es ist unglaublich einfach anzubringen und zwar ohne Werkzeug. Sie sind der schnellste und einfachste weg ein Zimmer abzudunkeln.
Bitte vermerken Sie, dass die Magic Blackout Blinds nur vorübergehende Abdunklungen sind! Sie sollten Täglich abgenommen werden. Sie sind dazu designt um bis zum Morgen oder während Mittagsschläfen die Sonne abzuhalten. Lassen Sie sie aber nicht auf dem Fenster direktem Sonnenlicht über eine längere Zeitspanne ausgesetzt.
Die exakte Zeitspanne hängt davon ab, wie oft sie die Magic Blackout Blinds benutzen und wie oft Sie sie auf und abhängen. Normalerweise halten die Blätter etwa 6-8 Wochen.
Die Elektrostatik können Sie wieder aufladen, indem es an einem Fasertuch reiben.
Wegen der Belastung durch die Sonneneinstrahlung werden die Blätter nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne Falten ausbilden.
Jeder Raum wird sofort dunkel sein. Sie können ein paar Fotos von Beispielen in der Foto Gallerie sehen. Diese wurden an einem sehr heißen und hellen Sommertag gemacht. Der Raum ist Trozdem komplett dunkel. Die Fotos können sie unter betrachten. Kein Licht wird durch das Fenster kommen. Magic Blackout Blind ist ein einfacher und schneller Weg Licht aufzuhalten, selbst in den Ecken der Fenster.
Ja, die Magic Whiteboard Blinds können nach dem Benutzen gefaltet werden. Viele Kunden hängen sie auch an eine Wand wenn sie die Blinds nicht mehr am Fenstern brauchen.
Jede Rolle enthält 10 perforierte Blätter, sodass eine Rolle 8 m enthält. Magic Blackout Blinds sind leicht und tragbar. Ideal für die Ferien, wenn die Kinder schon um 5 Uhr morgens aufwachen.
Jedes Magic Blackout Blind Blatt misst 60cm mal 80cm. Auf einer Rolle sind 10 Blätter. Das ist genug für 5 Standart Doppelfenster. Sie sind sehr leicht zurechtzuschneiden, an- und abzubrigen. Nehemen Sie einfach ein Blatt von der Rolle und plazieren Sie dieses auf dem Fenster. Außer einer Schere sind keine Werkzeuge erforderlich.
Für beste Resultate benutzen sie die Magic Blackout Blinds an feuchten Fenstern.
Ja, die Magic Blackout Blinds funktionieren auf Einfach- und Zweifachglas. Sie sind eine einfache, schnelle und günstige Alternative zu Vorhängen und Rollläden.
Ja, Magic Blackout Blind sind komplett recyclelbar, werfen Sie sie einfach in den Plastik recycel Kontainer. Die Blinds wurden mit umweltfreundlichen Methoden designt und hergestellt. Zusätzlich sind sie wiederverwendbar.
Magic Blackout Blind besteht aus einem elektrostatisch aufgeladenem Polypropylenfilm.
Jede Rolle wiegt nur 600g. Sie ist perfekt um Licht in Räumen abzublocken. Sie können sie auch mit in die Ferien nehmen. Ideal wenn es in einer Unterkunft keine Vorhänge gibt.
JA, die Magic Blackout Blinds wurden 2000 patentiert. Das Patent läuft 2020 aus.
This is a very common question when the clocks go forward in the Spring and throughout the summer months. Magic Blackout Blind will help create an instantly dark bedroom when you are struggling to get your children to sleep when it is still light outside at their bedtime. Magic Blackout Blind stops all light and will convince them it is dark outside and time to go to bed. Useful when travelling and when on holiday.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind would work well to blackout carshow room windows for a new product launch. Magic Blackout Blind is a temporary window blackout covering. It is very easy to fit and no marks would be left on glass when you take Magic Blackout Blind down. Using Magic Blackout Blind will also create interest because customers will be curious why the car showroom windows have be blacked out. Mitsubishi have used Magic Blackout Blind over a weekend to stop customers looking in showroom and to generate interest in the product launch.
Yes, we have lots of grandparents who use Magic Blackout Blind when their grandchildren come to visit to temporarily blackout light in bedrooms. Often grandparents don't want to fit a permanent blackout blind or blackout curtain. Magic Blackout Blind is better and more effective than trying to pin sheets and blankets to the window frame or over the curtain pole. Magic Blackout Blind in the November edition of Good Housekeeping, page 132 was recommended by the Good Housekeeping Institute, tried, tested and trusted team. Magic Blackout Blind has also been recommended by The Sunday Times Travel section and Which magazine.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blinds are very effective in reducing light when filming on location and when on a film set. Magic Blackout Blind comes on a lightweight roll and you just tear off a sheet and place on the window. This sheets sticks using static and leave no marks on surfaces. You don't need gaffer tape and the Magic Blackout Blind sheets are reusable. It is also easier and quicker to fit. It takes seconds. If you are currently using arrotek sheeting or bolton blackout cloth then Magic Blackout Blind is a quicker and cheaper alternative. Magic Blackout Blinds are very popular in the film industry for reducing unecessary light and reducing glare. Some customers are using it to stick to ceilings to darkness down rooms, you don't have to paint the wall. Just place the Magic Blackout Blind sheets on the surface and peel off when finished.
Yes, you can use Magic Blackout Blind to stop sunlight coming into static caravans, mobile homes and log cabins. It is ideal if you are going on holiday to a caravan park or a holiday home. It will help children stay in bed longer and parents will get a couple of hours extra sleep. Simply tear a sheet off roll and place on windows, no marks will be left of glass.
You can overlap the Magic Blackout Blind sheets over each other. You could also not tear the sheet at the perforation and then cut to size with a pair of scissors. Each roll is 8 metres in length.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind will blackout bedroom windows and stop light coming in bedrooms. This will help you get a good nights sleep. Magic Blackout Blind is an easier and cheap alternative to blackout blinds. Ideal if you are waiting for curtains to be made and in children's nurseries.
Yes, you can overlap the Magic Blackout Blind sheets to make them fit your exact window size. The sheets can be placed on top of each other and will still stick to the window. Magic Blackout Blinds are easier than blackout blinds to install, no tools are required. Just cut the Magic Blackout Blind sheets to size using scissors.
Due to the specific construction of Velux windows DO NOT USE Magic Blackout Blind on Velux Windows or similar roof blinds. Due to the 45 degree angle of these windows, the film may not stick and fall off. Magic Blackout Blinds are designed for temporary use and should be taken down on a daily basis.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind is ideal for taking on holiday to stop bright sunshine coming through windows, especially if you are travelling with children or kids. Magic Blackout Blind is portable and lightweight. Magic Blackout Blind only weighs 600 grams. Magic Blackout blind comes on a convenient roll and will fit in a suitcase or you can tear off a few sheets, fold or roll the Magic Blackout Blind sheets and put them in your luggage. An easy way of ensuring parents don't get woken but by children at 5am or dawn. Magic Blackout Blind helps children and parents sleeping longer.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind will stop all light and will stop you getting woken up and disturbed by motion detected security lights that come on in the middle of the night. Magic Blackout Blind stops all light so you will not be woken up by flashing security lights.
Yes, customers have brought Magic Blackout Blind because it is so lightweight when travelling. They take a few sheets and fold them up and put them in with their luggage or take the roll. On arriving at your travel destination, simply unfold the Magic Blackout Blind sheets and place on the windows. They will stop all light. Magic Blackout Blind is really useful if your hotel or accomodation has thin curtains that don't stop light coming through.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind works really well to temporarily blackout shop windows while store staff are changing a window display. We have many customers who use it while window dressing. Magic Blackout Blind is quick and easy to fit, and you will blackout a large shop window in minutes. After the window has been dressed you simply peel off the Magic Blackout Blind sheets. No marks will be left on shop window and you can reuse the Magic Blackout Blind sheets for another window when required.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blinds make a fantastic baby blackout blind, you can blackout windows instantly. Just tear off a sheet and place on the window. Magic Blackout blinds will stop bright sunshine coming into bedrooms and baby rooms and nursuries. You can also take on holiday with you. Magic Blackout blind is portable and lightweight and stops all light even around the window edges.
If you have recently moved to a new home and ordered new curtains and you may be waiting for your new curtains to arrive. These can often take 4 to 6 weeks. Magic Blackout Blinds can be fitted in seconds and requires no screws or manual installation . Simply place the Magic Blackout Blind sheets on the window and it will blackout all light. Sheets can be removed in the day or when not in use, simply place on a wall or cupboard door. Also, no marks will be left of glass.
Yes, we have lots of boat and cabin cruiser owners who use Magic Blackout Blind to stop the light and sunshine coming into the lounge cabin. Often existing boat curtains and boat blinds are not very effective. Magic Blackout can be quickly and easily placed on boat windows and it will stop light entering the cabin. This will help you and your guests sleep for longer. Magic Blackout Blinds works on vertical windows and windows which are at an angle. You can cut Magic Blackout Blind to the shape of your windows with a pair of scissors.
Yes, by placing Magic Blackout Blind on your children's windows it will stop all light (even round the window edges). This will create an instantly darkened room. Our daughter used to do this. When we stuck Magic Blackout Blind on the windows she thought it was dark outside and thought it was bedtime. Magic Blackout Blind also helps stop children waking up at 5am in the morning when the sun rises.
Magic Blackout Blind temporary blackout window covering that is much easier and quicker to fit. It is a new type of blackout material. It also blacks out all light, unlike some blackout blinds. No tools are required. You simply tear off a sheet and it will cling to the windows. No marks will be left on the glass and you can remove it in seconds. You can fold it or keep it on a nearby wall when you want light in the room. Magic Blackout Blind is a temporary blackout window covering that stops all light, even around the window edges.
Unlike blackout blinds and blackout curtains that often let in light around edges of windows and window frames, Magic Blackout Blind will blackout all light. It is also incredibly easy and simple to fit, just place the sheet on the window. You don't need to do any drilling or screwing to fit Magic Blackout material. No light will come in, Magic Blackout Blind stops all light even around the top and sides of window edges.
Yes, Magic Blackout blind is more effective than sticking cardboard and or covering windows with towels because it will blackout all light even around the edges of windows. Magic Blackout Blind is also less unsightly and looks professional. Magic Blackout blind will stop all light coming through windows.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blinds are temporary blackout blinds that are fitted in seconds. The sheets cling to classroom windows using static. Simply place on classroom windows and remove when not required. Magic Blackout Blind helps teachers and students see the interactive whiteboard more clearly.
Yes, customers buy Magic Blackout Blind to create a better sensory experience, ideal if you are trying to create a mood room or sensory room in a school, village hall, hospital or hospice. Some customers use to create better baby sensory experiences.
Yes, you can use Magic Blackout Blind to stop sunlight coming into caravans. It is popular with static caravans and mobile caravans. It can also be used in motorhomes to stop light coming into vehicles. It very useful to have on holiday to stop children waking up at dawn. It will help you get a couple of hours extra sleep.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind is really easy to fit and really easy to take down, tear off a sheet and place on a window. Magic Blackout comes on a lightweight roll (it weighs only 600 grams) so you won't need to struggle fitting blankets to the curtain poles. Magic Blackout Blind will also stop all light and look much better than blankets or cardboard. Magic Blackout Blind is easier to fit than normal blackout blinds and blackout curtains.
Magic Blackout Blind is a simple and effective temporary alternative to blackout blinds and blackout curtains. We have lots of customers who use Magic Blackout Blind who live in rented accomodation, or have recently moved and are waiting for their new curtains. Magic Blackout Blind is fitted in seconds, so if you need temporary blinds or temporary curtains this is just what you need to blackout light. Magic Blackout Blind is an easier and cheap alternative to blackout blinds or blackout curtains.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind stops all light and is ideal if you are going on holiday or travelling and don't know what type of curtains will be in the room. Place a sheet of Magic Blackout Blind on the window and no light will come through the window. Never again will you have to try and fix towels and sheets around the window and curtain pole.
Yes, Magic Blackout Blind is very popular with grandparents and parents. When visiting grandparents take a roll roll of Magic Blackout, tear off a sheet and place on their bedroom windows. You don't have hassle of fitting and blind. Magic Blackout Blind is a great temporary solution if you are visiting someone else house for the weekend. Magic Blackout Blind will help stop children waking up really early in the morning due to bright sunshine. Magic blackout blinds will help everyone get more sleep in bed.